Please Call Us Toll Free 888-472-5737
TECHNICAL QUOTE FORM RETURN TO HOME: CASTERSTORE.COM Please use this form if you DO NOT KNOW what you are looking for! If you have a part number already, Please CLICK HERE
Title: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss Name:
Company Name (if applicable): Title (optional):
Phone: Area code + number Fax:
E-mail: Country:
Please fill out as much information as you can below. If you would like
someone to contact you about your application immediately,
please stop here and click the button below!
Check this box
Wheel Requirements:
Wheel Diameter: Tread width: Wheel Material
If you do not know what material you need, please check this box
Please explain your floor conditions in detail here:
Caster Requirements:
Swivel / Qty: Rigid / Qty: Swivel/with brake /Qty:
Fastener Type:Top plate Threaded stem Friction ring Square stem
Round stem Hollow king pin Expanding stem Pipe thread Scaffold stem
Fastener size required:
Special Height: Height doesn't matter!
Load Capacity: I need to carry a Total Load of:lbs OR
I need Each Caster to carry at leastlbs each.
Brake Options:Total lock (swivel + wheel) Side brake Thumbscrew
Tread brake (brakes wheel from top) Direction lock (locks swivel only)
Other Features: Please check all that apply!
Shock absorbing Dual wheel Stainless Steel
High-temperature 2 pos. swivel lock 4 pos. swivel lock Non-corrosive
fully sealed for clean rooms NSF approved
other please explain:
Anything else?:
Please use this section to give us any additional information you feel
will help us determine the correct caster for your application.
Call us with any questions toll free 888-472-5737
Last updated: 06/20/2011